Parish Groups and Ministries
Altar Servers
This ministry is especially for youth. Anyone fourth-grade and older, who have received the sacrament of First Communion may serve. Thought you may not be able to give any monetary help to the church, you are giving an even greater gift, the gift of yourself. Training and orientation are provided. For more information, please call the parish office at 780-939-4412 or email
You may wish to contact Servers coordinator: Sharon at
Ushers/Ministers of Hospitality
Ushers provide our parish with a variety of meaningful services. Among the more common and obvious services are: welcome both parishioners and visitors to our church. Ushers assist people in locating available seating during crowded liturgical ceremonies. Ushers take up the offertory and special collections. Because of our direct contact with people of all ages, personalities and dispositions, we are also referred to as Ministers of Hospitality.
We try to service parishioners and visitors with kindness, compassion, and reverence, as is appropriate in the House of God.
If you wish to become part of the Hospitality Ministry, please contact the parish office at 780-939-4412 of or talk to father after the mass.
If you want to see the current schedule please click here.
If you have any concerns or requests about next schedule, please contact Tena who prepares a schedule for mass ministry schedule at
Eucharistic Ministers
Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist are fully initiated members of the laity who assist the priests and deacons in the distribution of the Eucharist.
Eucharistic Ministers must be faithful Catholics who have received the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and the Eucharist.
For more information, or to become involved, please contact the pastor at or parish office at or 780-939-4412.
If you want to see the current schedule please click here.
If you have any concerns or requests about next schedule, please contact Tena who prepares a schedule for mass ministry schedule at
The primary responsibility of the Lectors is to PROCLAIM the Word of God to the assembled congregation. Those who desire to serve in this ministry should be proficient in public speaking and be willing to conscientiously practice to effectively proclaim the message contained in the varied forms of writings. Those who wish to participate must be willing to attend training sessions and to be scheduled for any of the parish Masses.
If you are interested, please contact the pastor at or parish office at or 780-939-4412.
If you want to see the current schedule please click here.
If you have any concerns or requests about next schedule, please contact Tena who prepares a schedule for mass ministry schedule at
Angel’s & Children's Liturgy of the Word
Children are invited to the sacristy during the Liturgy of the Word (leaving after the opening prayer, returning after the Creed) to hear the Word of God proclaimed at their level during all the Sunday Masses. The Children's Liturgy volunteer teachers and helpers help the children experience the gospel message in various ways. The program is designed for children ages 3-9.
We have a good number of dedicated teachers, yet there is a room for any volunteer who would like to join us. If you are interested or for more information please call Lisa St. Onge at 780-939-5185 or email her at
Parish Pastoral Council
The Council is a pastoral commission, created to relate the needs of the parish to the pastor. They act in an advisory role to the various ministries, maintain a current mission statement for the church, and work on other projects as needed. Members of the Council represent the different constituencies of the church. All meetings are open meetings. For more information, call the pastor at 780-939-4412. Current Parish Council members are:
Father Trini Pinca
Noreen Radford (Chairperson)
Jacques St. Onge
Katie St. Onge
Carol Kaup
Vanessa Vansevenandt
Ben Bourque
Evan Constantin
Linda Bulger
Any parishioner may attend the Parish Pastoral Council meetings as an observer.
If you have any questions or concerns, you can contact the parish office at 780-939-4412 or or pastor at or you may wish to contact the chair person of the Committee.
Finance Committee
The Finance Committee assists and advises the pastor on the financial operation of the parish. They also help to plan for the future. The committee advises the pastor on special projects and fundraising. Current Finance Committee members are:
Father Trini Pinca
George Vansevenandt Chairman
Donna Sobochan Secretary
Judy Baker
Jerry Kaup
If you have any questions or suggestions or concerns, you can contact the parish office at 780-939-4412 or or pastor at or you may wish to contact the chair person of the Committee.
Knights of Columbus
The Knights of Columbus are the largest distributors of charity in the world. Anyone in need can call upon the Knights for assistance. The Knights at St. Jean Baptiste Parish serve our community and beyond in many different ways.
For more information, please contact Grand Knight Jacques St. Onge at 780-939-5185 or You may visit
The Catholic Women’s League of Canada
The Catholic Women's League of Canada is a national organization rooted in gospel values calling its members to holiness through service to the people of God.
To learn more about them, you may visit: or contact the President of CWL in our parish, Sandee Blackburn at 780-939-5199 or
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
St. Jean Baptiste Parish is looking forward to provide a day of adoration on the first Fridays of the month in the church. All are invited at any time to spend time in prayer. You may also sign up for an hour commitment on a schedule. For more information contact parish office at or 780-939-4412.